Emergency Preparedness
KPCA’s Emergency Preparedness program offers many services, training and technical assistance related to Emergency Preparedness. Specifically, KPCA will provide:
Technical Assistance is preparing, updating, dissemination to staff, and review of your center Emergency Operations Plans;
Technical Assistance in preparing, updating, dissemination to staff, and review of policies and procedures related to Emergency Management;
Technical Assistance in preparing, updating, dissemination to staff, and review of a comprehensive Communications Plan;
On-site, virtual, or LMS training for all staff on the center Emergency Operations Plan, Emergency policies and procedures, Emergency Preparedness, Mitigation, Response and Recovery.
On-site Emergency and Disaster exercises. These may be arranged to be full scale with integration into the Emergency Management program of your local/regional community or may be performed in a table-top format planned specifically for your facility.
Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. KPCA will be working proactively with local, state, and federal partners to ensure that dedicated Emergency Management resources deploy to your site and be dedicated to assisting your facility recover from significant emergencies and disasters and assist in procurement of resources your center may need in the event of a disaster to assist in reducing recovery time.
- 42 CFR §491.12- Emergency Preparedness
- HRSA Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Resources for Health Centers
- HRSA Webinar: Emergency Preparedness Information Session with CMS- 9.15.2021
- ASPR TRACIE | Topic Collection: Ambulatory Care and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)
- National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC)
- Kaiser Permanente Hazard Vulnerability Analysis Tool
- The HeatRisk Forecast Tool, developed by CDC and NOAA, provides a seven-day national-scale heat forecast that tells you when temperatures reach levels that could harm health
- CDC’s HeatRisk Dashboard serves as a portal into all our new heat resources for the nation and includes the HeatRisk Forecast Tool, details on local air quality, and actions to stay safe on hot days or days with poor air quality.
- CDC clinical guidance that we expect will enable clinicians and their patients to create personalized plans that will help ensure we can continue to safely enjoy warmer months. Even though heat can impact anyone’s physical and mental health, many groups may be particularly sensitive to heat and our guidance has focused initially on children with asthma, pregnant women, and people with cardiovascular disease.